KULUNG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kulung a for the hair to be curly, wavy.
v [AB; a] for the hair to become curly or wavy; cause it to do so.
Ikaw ray ginindutan ánang buhuk mung nagkulung, Youre the only one that consid-ers your curly hair pretty.
Akuy nagkulung sa íyang buhuk, I gave her a permanent.
n {1} the process of curling hair.
{2} its result.
Dúgay ang ákung kulung mituy-ud, The permanent I received lasted for quite a while.
-un a curly, wavy in hair.
maN-r- n beautician.
pa-an n beauty parlor where one gets a permanent.
paN- n the profession of curling hair.

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