PISIL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
pisil, písil v {1} [A; ab2] squeeze s.t.
with the tips of the fin-gers fairly far apart.
Pisíla (pisla) ang mangga ug humuk na ba, Squeeze the mango to see if it is ripe yet.
{2} squeeze with the fingers to massage or convey a feeling.
Kamau kang mamísil (mupísil) sa gilabdan ug úlu?
Do you know how to mas-sage a headache?
Gipisil níya ang kamut sa dalága, She gently squeezed the girls hand.
piskadur n fisherman.
v [B156; a12] be, become a fisherman.
with the tips of the fin-gers fairly far apart.
Pisíla (pisla) ang mangga ug humuk na ba, Squeeze the mango to see if it is ripe yet.
{2} squeeze with the fingers to massage or convey a feeling.
Kamau kang mamísil (mupísil) sa gilabdan ug úlu?
Do you know how to mas-sage a headache?
Gipisil níya ang kamut sa dalága, She gently squeezed the girls hand.
piskadur n fisherman.
v [B156; a12] be, become a fisherman.