LIWAG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

líwag v {1} [A; c1] move s.t.
at one end to get it out of the way or make it change position.
Liwágun nátù ngadtu ning tabla arun dílì magbalabag sa dálan, Lets push this board to one side so it wont be in the way.
{2} [B6; c1] face a di?
erent direction.
Pastilan ug mulíwag nang kanyun, If that cannon turns in this direction, were in for it.
{2a} shift ones direction in squatting without taking the soles o?
the ground.
Milíwag siya arun maduul sa íyang tiráhan nga dyúlin, He pivoted around to get nearer to the target he was shooting his marble at.

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