LANA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lána n {1} oil obtained from plants.
{2} a concoction of oil and herbs having special curative properties or power to ward o?
evil of supernatural origin.
nga pangulang oil to counteract supernaturally caused skin ailments.
{3} may, walay have (not have) sexual potency in old age.
Mamána ka ánang tigúlang bálu?
Wà na nay lána, Are you going to marry that old wid-ower?
I doubt if he can do it any more.
v {1} [A; a] make oil.
Dílì ku mulána ánang lubi kay kápuy ug kagud, I will not make oil because it is tiresome grating those coconuts.
{2} [b6] put oil in a lamp.
{3} ug pútut v [A13; a12] do the impossi-ble (lit.
extract oil from a very young coconut).
Maáyu pay maglána ug pútut kay sa mulansar nga way kwarta, It would be easier to squeeze oil out of a young coconut than to win an election without money.
() v {1} [A; b] apply oil on.
Lanahi ang halígi arun dílì anáyun, Put oil on the post so the termites cant get at it.
{2} [B3(1)46] be, become oily, exude oily secre-tion.
Naglana ang íyang pánit, Her skin is exuding oil.
{3} [A; b6] coax s.
by flattery.
Lanahi siya dì ba húmuk musugut sa ímung hangyù, Give her some sweet talk.
See if she doesnt give you what you ask for.
lanáhan, lanhan n folk doctor who prac- tices healing with the use of special oils.
lanahan n container for oil.
lanahun, lanáhun a full of oil.

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