SANTU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

santu n {1} title for male saints.
Santu Tumas, St.
{2} in phrases: purdiyus pur- exclamation denoting deep agita-tion at the gravity of a situation.
Purdiyus pursantu, Bidung, ibutang nang pusil!
God have mercy, Bedong!
Put that gun down!
Intiyíru image of the dead body of Christ carried in a procession on Good Friday.
Kristu {a} the crucified Christ.
{b} a small crucifix.
lána holy oil.
Ninyu {a} the Christ Child.
{b} the image of the Christ Child thought to have been brought by Magellan.
b1 the church which houses it.
Pápa The Pope.
Rusaryu the Holy Rosary.
santítu = santa santíta (male) see santíta.
istígi see istígi.
pasantusantu v [A13P] put on a pre-tense of good behavior.
Magpasantusantu siya ug náa si Pápa níya, He puts on a pretense of good behavior if his father is around.

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