PUU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

púu v [AB12; a1] {1} exterminate all things of a certain kind.
Ang iring ray nagpúu sa mga ilagà ning baláya, It was the cat that annihilated the rats in this house.
Nagkapuu na ang tama-raw, The tamaraw is becoming extinct.
Puúhan ang syudad sa mga buguy, They will get rid of the thugs in the city.
{2} get rid of completely.
Ngil-ad nga batásan nga ángay puhúun (puúhun), Bad manners that should be gotten rid of.
{3} ruin a business.
Ang ímung pagkasugarul mau ray makapúu sa ímung nigusyu, Your gambling is enough to ruin your business.
pu-uhun nga apilyídu a family name that is disappearing (because of lack of males).

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