LILI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lìlì v {1} [A; a2] peep at s.t.
while hidden.
Ug malígù ka dihà, lìlíun kang Piduy, If you bathe there, Pidoy will peep at you.
{2} [A13; a12] take a look to see how things are.
Lìlía ang kan-un ug nahubsan na ba, Take a look at the rice to see if the water has evaporated.
-un() n small variety of eggplant, so called because one has to look under the leaves to see it.
lilígan n in a bamboo house, thin bamboo slats to which flooring slats (salug) or walling slats which hold the walling material (lugpit) are tied and which serve to hold them in place.

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