BAYA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bayà {1} particle giving an admonitary tone.
{a} with an imperative: make sure that, better do.
Hinumdumi bayà, Youd better remember.
Sigurúa bayà ha, Make sure you do it!
{b} with a statement: watch out.
Mamáak bayà nà, Watch out!
He bites.
Ikaw bayà ang nanghilabut, ayaw pamasángil, You touched it.
Dont try to make excuses.
{c} = bayáay.
{2} particle with a statement or exclamation: [so-and-so] is di?
erent than it should be.
Tiawtíaw ka bayà, Youre joking, though you shouldnt be.
Bayà, nagbinátà ka dihà, Hmm, youre acting like a child.
Kabuútan bayà nímu, How good of you, but you shouldnt have.
Bayang kusúga níyang midágan, mu rag unsáun siya, God!
How he ran away.
As if I were going to do s.t.
to him.
Panginum mu áning kúk, u.
Busug pa bayà ku, bay, Here, drink this coke.
No thanks, Im still full.
{3} why should that be the case when .
Wà nay bugas?
Nagpalit bayà aku gahápun, Theres no rice?
I just bought some yesterday.
{4} particle conceding that s.t.
is the case which one didnt think to be so.
Nákug dì ka kamaung mulútù.
Lamì bayà, I thought you didnt know how to cook.
But I must say its good.
Pagkadakù bayà sa Manílà, I did not know Manila was this big.
-ay() particle with a condition: a feared consequence will happen if the condition happens (had happened, were to happen).
Bayáay (bayà) na man ug nasakpan pa ta.
Prísu giyud, God!
If we had been caught.
It would have meant jail.
bayà v [A; c6] leave s.t.
Mga babáying bigáun nga mubayà sa ílang láwas sa kadaghánan, Lewd women who expose their bodies in public.
Kinsa may nagbayà íning asúkar sa lamísa?
Who left the sugar uncovered on the table?
pa- v [B46; b4(1)] pay s.t.
no mind.
Mupabayà gánì ka sa ímung nigusyu, maalkansi ka giyud, If you neglect your business, you will surely lose.
Pabay-i na lang ang ílang insultu, Dont pay their insults any mind.

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