LIPAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lípay a glad.
Lípay kaáyu kung midaug ka, Im very glad that you won.
v {1} [A2; a12] make s.
Wà nay láing mulípay nákù kun dílì ikaw, No one can make me happy but you.
{2} [B156; c5] be happy, glad.
Nalípay ku nga nía ka, I am glad that youre here.
Maglípay ta kay milampus ang átung plánu, Lets be happy because our plans succeeded.
Gikalípay kug dakù ang ímung kalampúsan, I am very happy at your success.
paha- v [A; b6] congratulate, felicitate.
Usa aku sa mupahalípay nímu sa ímung kadaúgan, I am one of those who will congratulate you on your victory.
n congratulations.
Dawáta ang kinasingkásing kung pahalípay, Accept my heartfelt congratulations.
ma-un a happy.
Malipáyun kaáyu siya nga misugut sa ákung hangyù, He was happy to comply with my request.
nga pasku Merry Christmas.
v [A13] be happy.
ka- n happiness.
Ang íyang pagkaasáwa walay kalípay, She knows no happiness as a wife.
mag-r- n the Holy Spirit as Comforter.

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