TUSKIG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tuskig a sti?
, crisp.
Tuskig nga papil dibangku, Crisp ban-knotes.
v [B; b6] sti?
Ang nagtuskig níyang karsúnis, His well-starched trousers.
Nagkatuskig na ang minatay, The body is getting sti?
ug líug be haughty.
pa- v [A; c1] act haughty.
Nagpatuskig lang siya sa líug dihang gipangayúag hinábang, She acted haughty when I asked her for a contribution.
tuslak v [A; a1] drive s.t.
into s.t.
so as to pierce it.
Kinsay nagtuslak sa prútas ug kutsilyu?
Who stuck a knife into the fruit?
Gituslak níla ang mata sa higanti, They pierced out the giants eyes.

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