KUPUS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kúpus v [A; ab] {1} squeeze to extract the juice from s.t.
Kupúsa ang kinagud lubi, Squeeze the juice out of the shredded coconut meat.
{1a} squeeze s.t.
together with s.t.
to change the flavor.
Kupúsig súkà ang kinílaw, Squeeze the raw fish together with vinegar.
{2} = kupus.
() a shrunken, shriveled after the juice has been extracted.
Kupus na ákung hubag, My boil has dried up now.
v {1} [APB2] shrivel, shrink, usually because liquid has been removed, but by extension, because of disease; cause it to do so.
Mikupus ang karning gibulad, The meat shrunk as it was dried in the sun.
Magkupus tag tambuk, Lets fry fat meat until all of the lard comes out.
Nagkakupus ang láwas sa tisísun, The tuberculars body is shriveling up.
{2} [B] shrink away in fear, from cold.
Mukupus nag ímung suklan, Hell shrink away if you stand up to him.
Mikupus siya sa katugnaw, He shrunk his body into a small ball because of the cold.
-in-an n pulp left after extract has been removed.
kinupsan, pinakupsan n fat meat fried until all of the lard is removed and nothing but a crunchy mass remains.

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