LUGPIT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lugpit v [A; b] pin s.t.
down tightly or between two things.
Tabángi kug lugpit sa kúgun íring duha ka lipak, Help me fasten the grass thatch down with those two pieces of bamboo.
Lugpíti (lugpiti) ang libru sa íluk, Hold your book tightly under your arm.
Hilugpitan ákung tudlù pagsira nákù sa húnus, I caught my finger when I closed the drawer.
n {1} s.t.
used to clip or pin s.t.
tightly down or against s.t.
{2} chord on a guitar formed by pressing the finger straight across the strings.
pa- v [A; ab] cause s.t.
to be pinned down.
Puting kamisadintru nga íyang gipalugpítan (gipalugpitan), A white shirt which he had tucked in.

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