KUMPLIN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kumplín v [A2; c6] complain about ones grades in school.
Kun wà ka mahimuut sa ímung mga grádu, ngánung dì ka man mukumplin?
If you arent satisfied with your grades why dont you complain?
kumplítu a complete, having s.t.
Kumplítu ang iskuyláhan sa mga kasangkápan, Our school is completely equipped.
Kumplítu ang ákung gamitun sa pamanday, My tools for car-pentry are complete.
Kumplítu ta sa impliyádu, We have our full contingent of employees.
Ang búhat nga kumplítu ihátag sa maistru, All papers that are complete should be turned in to the teacher.
v [AB12; a] be, become complete, make s.t.
Mukumplítu kug báyad sa matrikula, Ill pay the tuition fees in full.
Kining istáma mauy mukumplítu sa ákung kuliksiyun, This stamp will make my collection complete.
Nagkakumplítu na ang ngípun sa bátà, The childs teeth are almost complete.
Mu ray ikakumplítu námù ug ma Pasku, The only time the whole family can get together is on Christmas.

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