KASKU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kasku n {1} the framework and the main structure of s.t.
with-out appendages.
Kasku sa sakayan, The hull of the boat.
Kasku sa kutsi, The body of the car.
Kasku sa táwu, The torso of a man.
Kasku sa muskitíru, Walling of the mosquito net.
{2} a blunt-bowed wooden boat with square stern about 30 long, towed or with a sail, used for lightering or for river or coastal transport.
It is so called because it consists of little more than a hull.
v [A; a] build the basic structure of s.t.
, use as the basic structure.
Wà pa ku makakasku sa ákung muskitíru kay wà pa kuy ilangitlángit, I havent made the sides of the mosquito net because I dont have materials for the top.

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