PUNTA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

punta blangku n shooting competition or target practice.
v [A1C; a2] hold a shooting competition or target practice.
puntaríya n s.t.
at which one aims.
Wà kuy puntaríya nga naglakaw, I walked with no fixed direction.
v {1} [A; a] aim s.t.
or head towards s.t.
Kinsa nang nagpuntaríya sa íyang pusil ngari?
Who is that fellow aiming his gun this way?
Dílì ta makapuntaríya sa píliw, We can not go towards the shore.
{2} [A; c6] direct ones remarks at s.
Dílì ku mupuntaríyag táwu kay ang kasábà páras tanan, I am not referring to anyone in particular because the scolding is for everyone.

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