LAYLAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

laylay a {1} tired, drooping from fatigue.
{2} for plants to be limp or drooping.
Pangúhag laylay nga mais, itambug sa kabáyù, Get the drooping corn leaves to feed the horses.
{2a} for leaves to be colored red or yellow.
{2b} people at the bottom strata of society.
v {1} [BN; a2b4] be tired.
Milaylay (nalaylay) ang ákung abága ug pinas-an sa baskit, My shoulders got tired from carrying the basket.
Wà mu layláyig tinindug, Arent you all exhausted from standing?
{2} [AB; c1] droop, cause s.t.
to do so.
Naglaylay ang abaga, His shoulders are drooping.
Layláya (ilaylay) ang sanga arun makab-ut ang búnga, Bend the branch so you can reach the fruit.
{2a} [AN; b] gather bent or discolored leaves.
ka- tiredness, feeling of being weak from fatigue.
n yellowed leaves on trees that are about to drop.

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