KINTU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
kintu v {1} [A; c1] move, be on ones tiptoes.
Mukintu ang mubù arun makakità sa intabládu, The short person will stand on his tiptoes to see the stage.
Magkintu ta paglakaw kay dúnay natúlug, Lets walk on our tiptoes because theres s.
{2} [A13; b6] be cautious, be extra wary of s.
Magkintu giyud ming Tátay kay istriktu kaáyu, We are very circumspect with Dad because he is quite strict.
n high-heels.
-in- = kintu, n.
Mukintu ang mubù arun makakità sa intabládu, The short person will stand on his tiptoes to see the stage.
Magkintu ta paglakaw kay dúnay natúlug, Lets walk on our tiptoes because theres s.
{2} [A13; b6] be cautious, be extra wary of s.
Magkintu giyud ming Tátay kay istriktu kaáyu, We are very circumspect with Dad because he is quite strict.
n high-heels.
-in- = kintu, n.