KAYANKAYAN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kayankayan n {1} tobacco tars.
{2} burnt food stuck at the bot-tom of cooking utensils.
v {1} [a4b4] get clogged with tobacco tars.
Gáhì yupyúpun ang hunsuy kay gikayankan (gikayanká-nan) na kaáyu, Its hard to pu?
the pipe because its too clogged up with tars.
{2} [B26] for food to burn at the edges or bot-tom.
Ayaw palabihig síga ang ímung gilútù kay mukayankan (makayankan) unyà nà, Dont turn the fire up too high or the food will burn.
{3} [A; ab] mix tobacco tars into drinks as a practical joke.
Gikayankanan ang ímung ilimnun, maung nalípung ka, Tobacco tars were mixed with your drink.
Thats why you got dizzy right away.

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