LABUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lábut n {1} concern, connection, part of.
Wà kay lábut sa ámung gipanagsultíhan, What we are talking about is no concern of yours.
Wà kuy lábut sa nahitabù, I have nothing to do with what happened.
{2} including.
Lábut ba ning baskit sa prisyu sa prútas?
Is the basket included in the price of the fruits?
Lábut ka sa íyang kasukù, Youre included in his anger.
{3} pa besides that.
Tagáan siyag primyu.
Lábut pa maasáwa níya ang prinsísa, He will be given a reward, and besides he can marry the princess.
v {1} [AN23; c1] concern oneself with s.t.
, be included in the responsibility for s.t.
Dì lang ku mulábut (manlábut) ánà kay mu ra mag siyay sad-an, I wont mix into that a?
air because hes apparently guilty.
Ayawg ilábut ang inahan nákù sa áway, Dont drag my mother into the quarrel.
() v = hilabut.
hi-() v [AN; a] {1} touch, meddle with s.t.
or s.
, cause trouble or bother.
Ang muhilabut niíning ákung butang mapawù gayud, Whoever touches my things will get a whipping.
Hilabtan gánì nang ákung manghud, If you dare meddle with my little sister,.
{2} steal.
Hipúsa ang ímung aláhas, hilabtan unyà, Put your jewels in a safe place.
They might be stolen.
{3} have sexual intercourse (euphemism).
Wà siya muhilabut (manghilabut) sa íyang asáwa kay nagdaut pa man kini, He did not have sexual intercourse with his wife because she was still sick.
{4} harm.
Dílì na makahilabut nátù ang úngù kay dúna man tay panagang, That vampire cant harm us because we have a charm.
hilabtá-nun a {1} meddlesome, given to stealing.
{2} tending to molest women.
Sus, pagbantay giyud mu ánang lakíha, hilabtánun ra ba nag babáyi, My!
Better be careful.
That man is known to be dangerous to women.
labutlabut v {1} [B1256] become meddlesome.
Ayawg labutlabut sa ámung áway, Dont meddle in our quarrel.
{2} [c] include s.t.
which shouldnt be included.
Ayawg ilabutlabut sa átung lális ang way lábut, Dont include irrelevant matters in our argument.
pangi-, panggi-, pangin-, panghi v [A; b(1)] meddle in with s.t.
, make s.t.
ones business.
Ngánung manggilábut ku sa inyung prublíma?
Why should I mix in with your problems?
Ngánung panggilabútan pa níya ang ákung kaminyúun?
Why is he meddling into my wedding plans?
ig-, dílì ig- not related.
Makapangasáwa ka níya, kay dílì mu siya iglábut, You can marry her because she is unrelated to you.
ka-an n involvement, responsibility.
Ang taksi draybir may kalabútan sa káwat, The taxi driver had s.t.
to do with the robbery.

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