LAG-AB is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lag-ab a having spaces in between.
Lag-ab ang pagkasalug sa balay, The flooring was put in with spaces between the floor boards.
v {1} [B2; c1] get spaces between.
Naglag-ab ang ka-maisan kay daghan ang wà muturuk, The corn plants came up far apart because so many failed to germinate.
Nalag-aban ang ámung baul sa karsáda, The road divided our field.
{2} [A; b7] destroy a large portion of s.t.
, remove a large chunk out of.
Ang bagyung Naring milag-ab sa ámung kalubihan, Typhoon Naring destroyed a large number of our coconut plants.
Gilag-ában ug dakù ang kík, A big part was taken o?
the cake.
n amount taken o?

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