KING is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kíng n {1} king in a playing card.
{2} king in chess.
v [A12] get a king in cards.
kíngas v [B2S; b6] move about too much, be careless, lack poise and grace.
Mukíngas ang nawung ánang bayhána ug náay mga laláki.
Malukup ug língì, That woman becomes restless when there are men around.
She has to keep turning around to look at them.
Nagkíngas ka man gud maung hintumban lang ang ákung tiil, You were so rowdy, you stepped on my foot.
Ngánung makíngas man ang nawung ánang maistráha ug ubsirbahan?
Why does that teacher get fidgety when her superior observes her?
Nagkakíngas lang mu.
Tan-áwa dì nabyaan ang átung bálun, You were so careless.
Look, you left our lunch behind.
() a rowdy, carelessly inattentive.

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