UKIT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

úkit v {1} [AN; a] peel o?
with the front teeth or take little things o?
or apart with the fingers.
Ukítun pagkáun ang pakwan, You eat watermelon seeds by peeling them with your front teeth.
Mahímù nga kuku ang iúkit, You can peel it o?
with your fingernails.
{2} [AN; a12] pry into s.
s secrets.
Ngá-nung mangúkit ka sa ákung kagahápun?
Why do you want to pry into my past?
{3} [AN; c1] study s.t.
in detail to find s.t.
Nangúkit siyag unsay dipirinsiya sa mutur, Hes examin-ing the motorcycle to see what is wrong with it.
ukit-ukitan, ukit-ukitun, ma-un a curious or nosey.
Ukit-ukitun kaáyu ning táwung libakíra, This gossipmonger sure is nosey.

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