KUMPLIMINTU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kumplimintu n {1} s.t.
said or done out of respect or good man-ners.
Kumplimintu lang tung íyang pagdápit nímu kay silín-gan man mu, She invited you out of courtesy because youre her neighbor.
Bísan wà nay gustu, gibaslan ku ang suwat ágig kumplimintu, Even though I dont like her any more, I answered her letter for politeness sake.
{2} compliment, s.t.
said in ad-miration or praise.
v {1} [A; b(1)] say or do s.t.
insincere out of politeness.
Mukumplimintu lang kug tambung sa íyang parti, Ill just attend his party out of courtesy.
{2} [A2] say s.t.
in admiration or praise.
Mikumplimintu siya nakù sa bag-u kung hirdu, She complimented me on my new hairdo.

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