KUSUKUSU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kusukúsu v {1} [A; a] rumple or rub s.t.
in the hands.
Kusukusúha ang papil nga iílu, Rub the paper to soften it so you can use it for toilet paper.
{1a} [A; b5] rub to remove dirt or stains in wash-ing.
Kusukusúhag (kusukusúhig) maáyu ang sinabunan, Rub the clothes vigorously after you soap them.
{1b} [A; a] rub in washing the hair.
Kusukusúha ang buhuk arun mubulag maáyu ang syampu, Rub it well so that the shampoo will get nice and foamy.
{1c} [A; a12] twirl the beater in the palms to beat a chocolate drink.
{2} [A; a12] treat s.t.
Gikusukúsu ang kalubihan sa kusug hángin, The coconut grove was lashed by the violent wind.
Kusukusúhun ku kanang ímung bátang lamp-ingásan, Ill give that naughty child of yours a sound thrashing.
{2a} [a12] beat soundly in a game.
Gikusukúsu námù ang ílang tím, We thrashed their team soundly.
n = buluníyu.

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