DRAYIB is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

drayib v {1} [A; b(1)] drive a motor vehicle.
{2} [A; c1] drive a ball in tennis or pingpong.
Idrayib (drayba) ug kusug ang ping-pung, Slam the pingpong ball.
{3} [A; b6(1)] drive a basketball.
{4} [A; b6] be the active partner in sex play (slang).
Lamì ba ug ang babáyi mauy mudrayib?
Is it fun if the woman is on top?
n {1} drive in tennis, pingpong.
{2} action of driving a tennis, basketball.
draybir n {1} driver, chau?
{2} the sex-ual partner who is on top (slang).
v {1} [A12] have as a driver.
{2} [B; a12] be a driver.

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