UTUL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

útul v [A13B12; b5] lose the leaves, hair, feathers.
Kanding ang nag-útul sa kamunggay, A goat stripped the kamunggay tree bare of its leaves.
Naútul ang úlu ni Tasyu, Tacios head became bald.
() a bald, stripped of most leaves.
utung v {1} [A2] hold ones breath.
Miutung siyang misáwum, He held his breath as he dived.
Miutung siya sa kasakit, He couldnt breathe for the pain.
{2} [A; c6] bear down hard in delivering a child or defecating.
Miutung ku ug kusug sa pag-paguwà sa dakung tubul, I bore down hard to get the hard stools out.
{3} [c1] su?
er, bear to the end.
Utungun (iutung) ku na lang ning gastu sa ákung anak sa pag-iskuyla, Ill have to bear it until I can get my son through school.
n ability to hold ones breath.
Taas siyag utung, He is able to hold his breath for a long time.
() v [B12; b6] be able to hold ones breath for a long time.
ka-un a feel like bearing down.

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