UTUL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

utul v {1} [A: a] sever s.t.
Utla ang kawáyan sa makaduha, Break the bamboo into two.
{1a} [A; a12] cut down.
{1b} [A; ab7] cut s.t.
out of or o?
of s.t.
Ákung giutlan ug diyútay ang tiil sa lamísa, I cut a small piece o?
the leg of the table.
{2} [A; a] put an end to s.t.
Utlun ku ang inyung pagtagbùtagbù, Ill put an end to your secret meetings.
Giutlan mig túbig, Our water connection was cut o?
a s.t.
cut o?
from s.t.
Gisumpay ug bálik ang utul sa íyang tudlù, They sewed his severed finger back on.
sa adlaw half day.
sa píkas a quarter.
() v [C; a] divide s.t.
into two.
Utlun nátù ang ímung tsukulit, Well divide your chocolate between us.
() ug tinái, kinabúhì n sibling.
Útul siya nákù ug tinái, She is my sister.
ka-(), ig-() n sibling.
utul-utul a {1} broken, cut into pieces.
{2} for stools to be hardened and small from constipation.
v {1} [B1; b6] be broken into tiny pieces.
{2} [B; b6] for stools to get hard and small.
{2a} [a4b4] su?
er from constipation.

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