KABALYIRU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
kabalyíru n {1} gentleman.
{2} acting like a gentleman.
{3} spending liberally.
prísu {1} one under house arrest.
{2} trustee in prison who can go about as he pleases.
v [AB12; c1] spend on a liberal scale, become a liberal spender.
Wà giyuy búngang makúhà ug kabalyirúhun (ikabalyíru) ug gastu ang kwarta, No good can result of it if he spends money lavishly.
{2} acting like a gentleman.
{3} spending liberally.
prísu {1} one under house arrest.
{2} trustee in prison who can go about as he pleases.
v [AB12; c1] spend on a liberal scale, become a liberal spender.
Wà giyuy búngang makúhà ug kabalyirúhun (ikabalyíru) ug gastu ang kwarta, No good can result of it if he spends money lavishly.