SAKBANG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sakbang a across, on the opposite side.
Ang naglingkud sak-bang nákù, The one sitting across from me.
v {1} [C] be across from each other.
Nagsakbang mig balay, Our houses are across from each other.
{2} [AC; a] be contenders, opponents.
Akuy musakbang kaníya sa pulitika, Ill run against him in politics.
Makigsakbang ku bísag dakù, Ill take him on, big as he is.
{3} [A1; c6] push s.t.
concave into s.
s face.
Isakbang ku ning usa ka hulmahang litsi plan sa ímung simud, I will push this dish of custard on your snout.
ka- n rival.

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