BULANG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

búlang n event (fiesta or market) at which a cockfight is held.
v [A; b] hold a cockfight.
Magbúlang dinhi ug tábù, They hold cockfights here on market day.
() n ga?
on a gamecock.
paN- v {1} [A2; b6(1)] attend a cockfight and bet.
{2} [A2; b6(1)] for a cock to win in a fight.
Pwirting pamúwang sa ákung manuk, My cock wins wherever he fights.
{2a} for a man to win several wives in succession after his previous wife died (humorous).
Gi-ayran ang byúdu.
Pwirti nang pagpamúwang, The widower has gotten himself a wife many times, but this time he was spurned.
n action of betting, attending cockfights to bet.
Way kaláki ang pamúlang.
Way daug, The betting at the cockfights was no good.
We didnt win a thing.
-an() n cockpit for holding cockfights.
-ig-r-, ig-l- n fighting cock.

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