BULANG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

búlang v {1} [AC; ac] smash a hard object against s.t.
Ang hubug mauy mibúlang sa básu dihà sa sáwug, The drunk smashed the glass on the floor.
Nagbúlang ang duha ka trák, The two trucks smashed into each other.
Bulángun ku ang in-yung mga úlu, Ill knock your heads together.
{2} [A12C; a] for two people to have a contest of hitting two examples of s.t.
against each other, each person hitting his against the other persons in turn, to see who can break the other persons.
Makig-búlang ku nímug lubi, I will engage in a coconut-breaking con-test with you.

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