BITUUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bitúun n {1} star.
{2} star in a movie.
{3} star-shaped Christ-mas lantern.
{4} k.
tree of strand, the star-shaped fruits of which are used as fish poison: Barringtonia asiatica.
{5} sa dágat starfish.
v [A; c1] star in a movie production.
Ang salí-dang íyang gibituúnan, The picture he starred in.
() = bitúun 4.
paN- v [A2] {1} for stars to be out.
Mamitúun gánì, lagmit dì muulan, When there are stars, it is not likely to rain.
{2} for oily spots to form on the surface of a liquid.
Mamitúun ang sabaw basta tambuk ang lutúun, The soup sparkles with fat if you cook fat in it.

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