KUSKUS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kuskus v [A; a] strum a stringed musical instrument.
Kina-hanglang kuskúsun ug kusug ang sista kay bungul, You must strum the guitar hard because its dull.
balúngus making a lot of fuss about s.t.
, having to meet a lot of useless requirements.
Daghang kuskus balúngus ning aplikasiyun.
Daghang purma, daghang mga pirma nga way hinungdan, This application in-volves too much red tape.
There are too many forms, too many irrelevant signatures.
v [A; a1] put to a lot of needless trouble and red tape.
Kuskus balungúsun ang barku ug dílì hiphípan ang tagakustum, The boat wont be allowed to sail without a lot of red tape if they dont bribe the customs people.
Daghang ikuskus balúngus ug wà kay ikatíngal, Theyll give you a lot of trouble if you dont have s.t.
to bribe them with.

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