TAPIG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tápig v [A; b1] {1} hide s.t.
Tapígi iyang sapátus arun dì siya kalakaw, Hide his shoes so he cant go out.
{2} put s.t.
where people cant get at it.
Akuy nagtápig sa midisína arun dì duláan, I put the medicine away so no one could play with it.
{3} hold for safekeeping.
Akuy tápig arun dì maw, Ill keep it so it cant get lost.
{4} keep in secret.
Ang kagahápun nagtápig ug mga katáwag kasákit, The past hides joys and sorrows.
-anan n hiding place.
-in-an n s.t.
kept hidden.

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