TAYA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tayà v [A; c] {1} place a bet.
Adtu ku tayà sa hárì, Ill bet on heads.
Ayawg itayà ang tibuuk puhúnan, Dont stake all the money you have.
{2} stake ones life, honor.
Nagtayà ang sundálu sa íyang kinabúhì álang sa násud, The soldier puts his life on the line for his country.
Ákung itayà ákung dun-gug paglában sa sinumbung, Ill stake my name to defend the accused.
{3} [A; b6(1)] pay for the others in a treat (slang).
Akuy magtayà sa átung inúmun, Ill pay for the drinks.
n {1} bet.
{2} treat, turn to pay (slang).

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