IHALAS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ihálas a {1} of the jungle.
Bábuyng ihálas, Wild pigs.
Palíyang ihálas, Wild ampalaya.
{2} ignorant.
Ihálas pa man siya sa syudad, She is ignorant of the city.
She doesnt know the city well yet.
v {1} [B2] become wild, ignorant.
{2} [A; a12] take for an ignorant person.
Wà giyuy muihálas nímu dinhi sa syudad ug ispúting ka pirmi, Nobody will take you for an ignorant person in the city if you always dress up.
Ihása ku, tits, (Dont) take me for a fool, buddy.
-un a of the wild, ignorant type.

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