HILAS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

hílas a obscene, lewd.
Hílas nga sini, Obscene movies.
Hílas kaáyu kang manulti, You talk terribly lewdly.
v {1} [B12; b4] be, become lewd, find s.t.
Gihilásan kung nagtan-aw ánang law-ay nga salída, I was revolted looking at that dirty movie.
{2} [A13; b4] make oneself revolting, ridiculous by doing s.t.
Naghílas kag kanta mu rag dílì yabag, You are making yourself ridiculous singing o?
key like that.
Gihilásan ku sa íyang hambug, I find it revolting the way he brags.

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