KUBIR is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kúbir n {1} cover.
Kúbir sa magasin, Magazine cover.
{2} amount charged per setting in a dinner party at a restaurant.
Tagsingku písus ang kúbir sa parti, The party will be five pesos per person.
v {1} [A; b6(1)] cover s.t.
Kubíri ang libru, Put a cover on the book.
{2} [A; a] take cover, shelter.
Mukúbir ta ánang batu inigpinusílay, Lets take cover behind that rock when the firing starts.
{2a} [A; b] cover up for s.t.
Bisag unsay íyang buhátun kubíran dáyun sa inahan arun dì hibaw-an sa amahan, Whatever he does his mother will cover it up, so the father wont find out.
{2b} [A; b] shield s.
in a ball game.
Kubíri ku samtang magdríbul ku, Cover me while I dribble.
{3} [a3] be put on a magazine cover.
Makúbir si Imilda sa Layip, Imelda will be on the cover of Life.
{4} [A] give s.t.
news or radio-TV coverage.
Ang istasiyun sa radyu diway-ar-ip mauy nikúbir sa dakung súnug sa dálan kulun, Station DYRF covered the big fire on Colon Street.
kubirkúbir v [A13] walà, dílì be direct, keep nothing concealed where propriety would require the opposite.
Wà siya magkubirkúbir sa íyang pagkadisgrasyáda, She made no bones about not being a virgin.
way frank, without concealing anything (when one should).
kubirta = kubyirta.

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