TIPIK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tipik v [A; b] take a bit o?
Dì giyud ka makatipik ánang kík pára nákù?
Cant you break a bit of that cake o?
for me?
Tipki sad ku sa ímung pagtagad, Let me have a moment of your attention.
n {1} small portion, a fraction of s.t.
Ang íyang hinábang tipik lang sa íyang bahandì, His donation is only a fraction of what he has.
{2} integral part.
Tipik ka na sa ákung kaugalíngun, Youre already a part of my being.
ka- n s.t.
that forms a whole together with s.t.
Ang yútà nga ákung gipalit katipik niadtu sa asyinda, The land I bought was formerly part and parcel of the hacienda.

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