LUKLUK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lukluk v {1} [A3; c] go, put into a tight or hidden place.
Sawang naglukluk sa kakugnan, A snake lurking in the grass.
Ilukluk ang kwarta sa sikrítu, Put the money into your watch pocket.
{2} [A; c] get s.
into a job (slang).
Ang uyuan níyang kun-grisman mauy naglukluk níya sa Kustum, His uncle who is a Congressman got him into the Customs.
a put in such a way that it is hidden or not easy to get at.
Lukluk kaáyung pagk-abutang sa tutbrás sa iláwum sa bág, The toothbrush was put way in the bottom of the bag.

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