MANYA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

manya n {1} fit of bad temper.
Ang paghilakhílak ánang batáa manya lang nà, That childs persistent crying is just a tantrum.
{2} caprice, fancy.
Manya lang tung pagpapalit níyag láing sapátus, His asking for another pair of shoes was just out of caprice.
a for a horse to tend to balk, move slow.
v {1} [B; c1] throw a tantrum, act like a spoiled brat.
{2} [A; b6] for a horse to throw a fit or just balk.
Dinhà giyud sa kinasang-an ang kabáyù magmanya, ug wà mulíhuk bísag unsáug búnal, The horse balked right in the middle of the crossing and wouldnt move no matter how hard it was whipped.
{3} [A; b5c1] move slowly.
Ang mumanya ug tambung sa lamísa dì masalinan, If you dilly-dally in getting to the table, nothing will be left for you.

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