LAPUNG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lapung v [AN; c1] involve s.
in s.t.
bad that he should not be involved in or do s.t.
to more members of a group than should have had it done to them.
Siyay naglapung ug pangulitáwu sa tulu námù ka tindíra, He courted all the three of our salesgirls at one time.
Makalapung kag dakup niánang mga manúka?
Could you catch all those chickens at one time?
Gilapung ku níyag áway bísag wà ku makasâ, She quarreled with everyone, includ-ing me, even though I had not done anything wrong.
Nalapung ang ámung balay sa súnug, Our house got burnt along with the others.

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