PANDAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

panday v [AN; a] {1} forge.
Walu ka ispáda ang íyang gipan-day, He forged eight swords.
{2} build s.t.
from wood.
Kin-say namanday (nagpanday) sa inyung balay?
Who made your house?
{3} circumcise (colloquial).
Ang mga Ilunggu hadluk kunu papanday, They say the Ilongos are afraid to get circum-cised.
n {1} blacksmith.
{2} carpenter.
(sa) pandaut, dáut inept in carpentry or blacksmithing.
-an() n {1} blacksmith shop.
{2} bátà pa ang -an be early in ones child-bearing years (lit.
the blacksmith shop is still younghumorous).
Sayung sun-dan ang kamanghúran kay bátà pa ang pandayan, Theyll soon have another baby after this one because the baby-factory is still productive.
paN- n occupation of blacksmithing or carpentry.

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