TUKAG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tukag, túkag v {1} [AB2S6; cP] place s.t.
long in a position vertical or crosswise relative to s.t.
else; cause it to be so.
Ayúhag butang ang gabas kay mutúkag sa kahun, Lay the saw down carefully crosswise in the toolbox.
Nagtukag ang bukug sa íyang tunlan, A bone is lodged cross-ways in his throat.
Itúkag (ipatúkag) ang lipak sa takup arun dílì mutak-up, Prop the shut-ter open with a stick of bamboo.
{2} [B2S6] for s.t.
slender to be jutting out.
Ang mga tiil sa dakung bátà mutukag kun kugú-sun, The legs of a big child dangle if he is carried.
() n {1} s.t.
placed athwart s.
{2} sticking out.
Tukag siyag dawunggan, He has ears that stick out.

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