LUKSU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

luksu v {1} [A; a] jump.
Miluksu ang ungguy sa kalípay, The monkey jumped up and down with joy.
Luksúa lag kanal kay way latayan, Just jump over the ditch because there is no span.
Bintánang íyang giluksúan, The window he jumped down from.
{2} [A2] skip a grade in school.
Miluksu kanà siyag grádu mau nga naapsan ku níya, He skipped a grade in school so he has caught up with me now.
n distance or height jumped.
hi-/ ha-v [B1256] jump involuntarily.
Nahaluksu siya sa kakurat, He jumped involuntarily when he was startled.

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