LANUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lánut n {1} hemp from abaca.
{2} any k.
long, tough plant fibers.
Ánang trabahúa ang ímung kinabúhì naglatay sa usa ka lugas lánut, Your job is very dangerous.
In that job your life walks over a long thin strand.
) v {1} [A; a12] make hemp from abaca.
Anus-a man lanúta ninyu ang pinutul nga abaka?
When will you make hemp from that abaca you cut into pieces?
{2} [B5] show fibrous components, become threadbare.
Dáan na kaáyung kalsunísa naglanut na gánì ang panaptun, These trousers are very old.
They are already threadbare.
{3} [B456] for s.t.
sticky like syrup, glue, and the like to show fiber-like portions when stretched.
-un a fibrous, having fibers.
Lanútun kaáyu ug unud ang páhù, Páhù is a stringy kind of mango.
lanutlanut n fine fibers of fruits.

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