MINUR is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

minur n {1} in low gear or speed.
Gibutang ku sa minur ang mútur, I put the motorcycle at low gear.
{2} for engines to be revolving at slow speed, idling speed.
v [B6; b7c] for an engine to slow down.
Wà siya muminur sa kurbáda, He didnt slow down at the curve.
Ningminur ang dágan sa makina kay way gasulína, The engine slowed down because it ran out of gasoline.
minurmínur v [b7] decrease the intensity of, or the amount of work.
Minurminúri lang ang ímung káun arun dílì ka mutambuk, Decrease your food intake so that you will not grow fat.

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