IDAD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

idad n age.
Pilay ímung idad karun?
How old are you now?
mayur di- of legal age.
minur di- under legal age.
may be quite old.
May idad na ang ákung inahan, My mother is quite old now.
nga makalilínga adolescence, so-called because it is the age in which the child is confused as to whether he is an adult or a child.
idad-idaran a middle-aged.
Idad-idaran na ku kay kwarinta na, I am middle-aged now because I am forty.
v {1} [B] be [so-and-so] old.
Sa nag-idad kug syíti anyus, When I was seven years old.
{2} [BN] become, be made aged.
Ang íyang nawung miidad kaáyu tungud sa nahitabù, Her face aged terribly because of what happened.
{2a} keep a borrowed thing too long (have them grow old on one).
Iúlì na nang ímung hinuwaman, nangidad na lang nà dihà, Return it to the person you borrowed it from.
Youve had it too long.
{3} [A13; b8] be [so-and-so] long, last.
Nag-idad na run ug pitu ka túig sukad sa ámung panagbúlag, It has been seven years since we separated.
Wà pa gánì maidari ug tulu ka búwan ang íyang panirbisiyu, His service did not even last for three months.
paN-, pangidarun n = idad n, v1.
idaran, maidaran a old.
Idaran (maidaran) na ang íyang napangasáwa apan sapían, The woman he married is old but well-to-do.

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