LAMPASU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lampásu v [A; b] polish a floor by rubbing a half a coconut husk or s.t.
similar over it.
Lampasúhi ang sála, Polish the floor in the living room with a coconut husk.
{2} [A; b2c] pum-mel, shake and throw to the ground.
Ilampásu ku kinsa ninyu magbinúang, If anybody cuts up Ill scrub the floor with him.
Il-ampásu námù ang inyung tím, Well give your team a thorough trouncing.
{2a} have s.t.
done thoroughly to it.
Hilampasuhan unyà mug kasábà, Youll get a thorough tongue-lashing.
n s.t.
to polish the floor with, esp.
a half a coconut husk.

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