LIRAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

líraw v [A2; c6P] for the eyes to dart back and forth, roll.
Milíraw ang íyang mga mata sa kalamì, Her eyes rolled because it was so delicious.
lirawliraw v [B456] {1} for the eyes to roll continuously.
Naglirawliraw ang íyang mata mu rag dúnay gi-pangítà, His eyes moved back and forth as if he were looking for s.t.
{2} for the thoughts to move rapidly from place to place.
lirì v [B4] {1} split, tear open from fullness.
Ayaw nag daska ang sáku kay naglirì na sa kapunù, Dont fill the sack further because its so full its bursting.
{2} get obese as if about to split.
Milirì siya sa katambuk humag panganak, She got terribly fat after she had her baby.

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